Portland Monthly

A Southwest Portland reno shines bright with natural light and curated, historical style.

Knotted wood beams slide overhead in Amanda and Robert Nathan’s home, protruding beyond a massive wall of glass. Sunlight slants through a slatted walnut screen, and a fire crackles within a wraparound fireplace. Everything is meticulously period-appropriate, from the bar’s laminate countertop to the vintage doorbell cover, without being slickly retro—it’s almost impossible to see where the original house ended and the remodel began. As Amanda says, “It looks like most of it was always here, and we just tweaked it a bit.” 

Tucked into a quiet, winding street in a woodsy neighborhood of Southwest Portland, the house, built in 1950, is modest. “It wasn’t architecturally significant,” says Robert. “But it seemed homey, and there was so much potential over time. And the exposed beams!” 


Hammer & Hand

